EMC Europe 2017
EMC Europe, the leading International Symposium on electromagnetic compatibility in Europe, continues the long tradition of independent regular international Symposia on EMC organized in Europe in Wroclaw (20 editions since 1972) and Zurich (20 editions since 1973) as well as European Symposia organized in Rome (since 1994) and then in Brugge, Sorrento, Eindhoven, Barcelona and Hamburg. These three symposia were running every other year.
EMC Europe is organized annually in a European city with EMC facilities and provides an international forum to exchange technical information on EMC. The first joint EMC Europe was organized in Wroclaw in 2010. Next were held in York (2011), Rome (2012), Brugge (2013), Gothenburg (2014), Dresden (2015) and Wroclaw (2016). In 2017, EMC Europe will be organized for the first time in France (Angers).
Please, join us at EMC Europe in Angers, France, which will take place in ESEO Graduate School of Engineering.
View program and dates of EMCoS presentations, poster sessions and workshops at EMC Europe 2017.
download agenda